Monday, April 6, 2009

just to keep this blog alive, more literrally killing it instead.

i don't know which is more dead right now, blog or my life. haha cos im stuck at home. and havent met tonnes of people in ages. this whole week has been spent staring at blank space listening to progressive songs to keep the time moving.

see I don't get why people cannot stand the length of Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree, Opeth songs. It just kinda drifts past with time. Listen until u forget timing, then suddenly song is over, u feel like restarting it x)

zzz guess its just a similar routine ritual kind of thing. Wake up : 2pm

Computer used from time I wake up. Facebook, Youtube, Reading blogs, Music, Youtube Music.

Then later, its bass guitar. no not really considered practice, I mean, practice would mean playing scales, finger warmups, apregios, cromatics. Guess its just playing whatever i want till it becomes some sort of make shift song.

KK this is a boring blog post by urs truely ee rong.


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