Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Party

Hey guys. Yesterday was the christmas party at uncle poh's house. So Fun I Swear. Well I brought the xbox 360 and Guitar Hero World Tour down. Shayne and Shawne were there already. Had an arsenal of about 12 bottles of alchohol and brought down my acoustic too.

Then I helped to plug in the xbox 360. so messy. all the inputs and outputs like messed up. After everyone came and were watching me plug in all the RCA cables then the games started to work. At first everyone was scared to play the machine, but then after some time, everyone opened up and had a go on the controller. Most of them failed on the first try but got the hang of it soon after. t'was so fun man.

So I grabbed a bottle and sat with eewei down at the poolside slacking. Went back up to get another round while they played with the guitar hero-ing.

Well soon all the stock was gone because it was shared with adults i think. My dad went out to restock on tonnes more. This time all the children took a bottle each, even xiaowei, who was still so young haha. Okkay. If there were 3 levels of drinking. drink drank drunk. They would all be at drank, except xiaowei who took 1 and a half bottles and flew to drunk.

We started card games which we played this weird game called 'homo' ( dun ask). Well we think of an action and we pass around cards and collect straights or 4 of a kind. Then we have to sneak that action to your partner and hope no one catches you. Ur partner has to shout " HOMO " before other people realise you are signalling and shout " ANTI HOMO "

I won that game x______x

while we were playing the adults all had a go at being a guitar hero.
crazy party.


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