Friday, January 29, 2010


no rly ?

what I really want to know is who played this prank on that fucker steve jobs... lol
what i'd imagine was *steve at Apple coffee (and caviar) station with marketing director*

"hey man, so what do you think we should call our new tablet thingy"
marketing director: *thinks about ipod and somehow connects them to tampons and periods and stuff*
how about iPad? *sniggers*

jobs : "OMG UR GENIUS "

marketing director : "uhh mr jobs sir, i meant that as a joke"

jobs : "i don't get it"

He doesn't get it.



uhh could someone do that ba dum tsht drum thingy. lols...
wow... reading the last post made me feel like a dick. sry for being so morbid.

anyway today I spent my whole day drawing on my fullscap pad. guess what I drew.
pokemansssss lols. (ur thought : oh no not again )

yes. lols i drew skarmory, and then I thought : " not bad ". so i went on and drew sandslash and scyther, and then ran out of pencil lead. continued with pen : flygon, and cubone. lols

-.- i feel lame. haha pokemon

anyway. when going home after school, me and jie qiang were walking down the back gate slope. it was drizzling. and then right in front of us was this huge foggy mist thing. rain was pouring heavily about 50m away from us. when we realised this, we quickly ran back to school. the rain chased us lols. it was like some action movie chase scene. OMG. about 20m away from shelter the rain caught up and drenched us for like half a minute lols.

it was kinda cool.

yea... :/

currently listening : Mercy Mercy Mercy - Cannonball Adderley

Thursday, January 21, 2010

finally another piano lesson. been feeling slightly on the edge of sanity lately. found myself talking to myself a while ago... I've been absent from my bodily shell, if you were talking to me, that wasn't really me, at least I don't think it is... its just a coward. fucking coward.

don't even want to practice my bass much anymore, feel like just sitting infront of the computer pressing refresh. seeing if anyone even cares. everyone is just scattering around like ants, living their machine lives. fuck them. its okay, you're all busy trying to secure yourselves.

its like twisting a piece of cloth. the torsion is taxing on my sanity. theres no internet and even if there is, theres nobody there. and even if there is, they are saying the exact same thing as me right now. where is everyone, why is everyone hiding. where is the real everyone.

be real fucking happy, when u die, u can tell yourselves you won this game, by studying hard, getting a job, getting a wife, spreading the STD of human life, and feeling good in this melancholic nightmare.

after all, this is real life, its not a game. when u die, its real life... whats the fucking difference really. whats stopping you from taking a gun and shooting up a few other human beings, then will you realise that real life is actually gaming at its best. that the whole world is just your sandbox mode.


because somebody has to. and nobody wants to.

currently listening : Hey you - Pink Floyd

Sunday, January 17, 2010

monday. somehow I can't wait for saturday 4pm again. all my time wasted sitting in this classroom when I could be out improving myself.

speaking of which, I seem out of touch with by bass playing. everything seems messed up. something's up, i cant tell but its eating me inside out.

got to go, another monday to survive.

currently listening : Way out of Here - Porcupine Tree.

yea I was watching star wars, dint read ur sms.

Friday, January 8, 2010

open house was absolutely disappointing. hardly any freebies and loads of exaggerated course information. haha. yea im just another freeloader. At least I scored a few stuff :

candy floss.

came home and started practicing bass till night time. Its been the same story throughout the week. Im hiding from everyone I can avoid, I don't really know why. I just don't want to meet anyone at all. I just want to go to school finish up, run back home and practice my bass till night.
know whats the scary part ? i like it.

doesn't seem like anyone bothers anyway. so. rather not be a liability. I've been doing tonnes of ear training by myself and with my teacher. its hard to visualise on a piano when i kinda know what reletive pitch comes out on a fretboard.

really wish I could use what I know on the bass, other than to practice it even more everyday. Im becoming a zombie. maybe a band, but i hate interaction.

currently listening: A day in the Life - The beatles.
