Pt. 2
Anyway these are the following archives of timing 12am to the rest of the night.
at first we arrived and set up shop , plugging in the xbox and playing project gotham racing. got pwned the first time round by rookie driver alvin kang. Then alvin kang say want play halo, but he couldn't even turn properly so he give up. Bren took controller and started doing stupid things like hop onto the 2nd pipeline on the second level. Which then he couldn't come up and he had to fight the banshees. x) suddenly got hungry just slacking there , so all dispersed from the room and went into kitchen to eat fried rice and corn. thats where I blogged the first part x) see below .___.
thereafter I tried to fight the flame dragon in ninja gaiden ... or die trying ( which i did) =x bren took computer and started playing all the way from there. dota madness la he. after 2 games, we persuaded bren to come with us go thasevi to drink milo dino . courtesy of Alvin kang money. Then we said slack at playground but everything was wet , cold and creepy. So we cleared from the place and went back into the house, where bren continued to chiong dota. me and ak were playing all the games bren brought. sometimes bren came in to play with us , like soul caliber 2. Then we played all the way till 6am. where bren was still playing, me and ak went to sleep
bren played till it was lights up, and ak's uncle woke up and came out of room. He dota till dawn. crazy. idiot. dota sucks. -.- Then he came into the room and played his stupid DJ max 2. which woke me up. at that time it was 830. Sat up and played 343 guilty spark just because i want to get freaked out by the flood, hardly happened. got a headache finding my way out so i gave up and went to sleep again

we woke up at 2pm.
and then i played dota, bren took the computer and played my game of dota. addict . x)
STOP and went home. x) yay.
Anyway mumbai terrorist case has been in the news for quite a while. It seems Singapore lost a citizen there.
Ms. Lo Hwei Yen
I find the terrorists have a low mental capacity. Being of age group close to mine, im 16 by the way >.< style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102);" size="5">DUMB FUCKS